Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It and Everything Else Is In the Bag

My mission this month is to begin to use the smaller sized bags I own before I go on the search for a new one. The bags I have are lovely bags. Some of them are even classic "it" bags. Some have never seen the light of day but none of the vintage bags I own will ever be able to support my over carrying habit. I have tried to carry just my lap top, in its own bag, a phone that was a one in all, a thin wallet and a lip gloss but such a light load in a bag that could swallow me whole if I reach in too deep to find the keys doesn’t feel right. So instead of switching bags (duh!) in goes the sketch pad, the writing tablet, the leather bound I-bought-for-too-much-in-Rome Day Keeper, the pens and pencils, the wallet, the home and office keys, the bag-o-make-up with its tissues, Q-tips, baby wipes and carry sized contact lens solution. The problem is that I am programmed to carry things "just in case" and they can change on a day by day basis so more stuff goes in until I, like every other commuting woman, look like Quasimodo.

I am really wanting an oblong bag that is no larger than the size of a 9" x 12" manila envelope, flat and simple/subtle in details. I haven’t seen it yet. The stores seem to still be over flooded with “statement” bags. I own a few 'vintage" Koret (started in 1929, this bag company was the licensee for two of the world's most famous designer names, Christian Dior and Hubert Givenchy) and Tano ( )“vintage” bags that have become the inspirations for my search. After typing both names into the Ebay search engine up came a few more images that will help me in this search. For now I am gradually downsizing. All my goodies have been moved into a bag half the size of my normal one. They say it takes 30 days to make or break a habit so by the end of February I should be using my vintage bags and then the hunt will begin.

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