Sunday, October 12, 2008

Beauty from the Inside Out- You Can Do It!

I work across the street from a branch of the New York Public Library. I find myself there at least once a week borrowing as many books as I can carry (I know, I’m Greedy!) The convenience of the library's location has made me the voracious reader I was as a child, but this post isn’t about my love of books, it’s about a book I pulled off the shelf this week.

YOU CAN DO IT! The Merit Badge Handbook For Grown Up Girls
In Memory of Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas

On 9/11 Lauren, along with her fellow passengers, bravely perished on United Flight 93. She dreamed of creating a self empowering resource for women and luckily for us her two sisters, in her honor, fulfilled her dream.

Published by Chronicle in 2005 (so I'm a day late!), this book is an easy read how-to-guide for those of us that are still dreaming great dreams and want to make those dreams some part of our everyday reality but don't know where or how to begin. It asks us to find our inner Girl Scout and to have fun while we do the work of earning the merit badge of accomplishing a goal. The book lays out 60 dreams for the reader. Some are common desires for many of us and some are new and wonderful interests to consider. Each section features words of encouragement, profiles of mentors that share and live some aspect of that dream and lists of activities that help make the dream part of your life as well as book, net and organizational resources that support the reality of that dream. Dreaming of going back to school, learning to sew, tracing your roots, maintaining your home, walking on fire, making a film, building a web site are some of the 60 dreams laid out for you.

*A portion of the proceeds from You Can Do It! will go to the Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas Foundation, which supports charitable causes and scholarships for women- With such a mark down I am not certain if this advice still applies, but I hope so.

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