Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday's Mental Musings

A few months ago I read an article in the New York Times concerning complaining parents who live in the area of Brooklyn I live in. (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/19/dining/19soft.html?ref=dining).

The piece was concerned with the location of ice cream vendors in Prospect Park. Issues of health and vendor permits aside, the article left me annoyed. When did we become a nation of whining, self indulgent beings incapable of teaching our children, and our selves, discipline and the responsibility of choice and control? After reading the article I wanted to head over to Prospect Park and find those parents and tell them “to grow a pair" and tell your child "no” or to make the choise to move away from the cart. I wanted to remind them that if the cart truly annoyed them they had the right and ability to work with the park to legally sort placement areas for the vendors so not to keep people from their livelihood, that they would need to become aware of their own proximity to the carts and of course take on the responsibility to saying "no" and working through the issues that "no" lesson brings. I also wanted a coconut ice but then that's my issue.

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