Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday's Mental Musing

I was recently reminded that at the beginning of the summer I mentioned I would be posting every other day and in between those posts I would sandwich music videos to “entertain”. Despite pretty much keeping to this scheduling I have now increased the number of posts on the days I do share things of "interest” so much so that I could have just continued to post on a daily basis. I also find that I multi post music videos. I guess you can tell music is a big part of the background of my life and I can’t help but find myself needing to share the gems, ok some of them are paste and glitter!, that I find.

My friend is correct. But in my defense, I am Libra and I will always defend my actions lol!, I reminded my dear friend that my blog is about the luxuries of life, big and small, free and costing, and I find that in the day to day luxuries abound. I can’t help but want to share them because for me sharing and communicating about things of various interest is about living a luxurious life. And trust me, I do edit down the things I post about! LOL

Through my blog I post what I hope are creative and frugal ways to add things many of us may consider needed in order to live a luxurious life. Most of the things I share are true interests of mine even when they are but whimsies of the overall themes. There are times I question the relevancy of some of the things I find interesting enough to post about but considering them allows me to decide whether or not they are a needed. I hope that when confronted with things that may seem frivolous or unnecessary that readers take a moment or two to take inventory of the things that are important to them. Perhaps, more importantly, considering even for the briefest of moments, those things that do not matter so that they understand what things they should no longer be concerned with and only invest their time and effort into the things that make them happy.

I hope that my blog and blogs like mine remind others that manifesting material things is easy. The material starts with an idea and once that idea forms it can with intent become reality. In my opinion the more important lesson in acquiring isn't the end result of owning that which you have desired but the creative journey that manifesting those things we have interest in takes us on. Things can be replaced, experiences cannot.

I hope the posts encourage readers to look around and see their resources and understand that they manifested all that they have and all that they are. We all choose how we live our lives and no, we all aren’t going to be as rich or famous as “insert name here”, yet we all can be wealthy and known within the capacity we decide we want to be. Stopping to appreciate who we are and what we have softens the blow of dreams unfulfilled and reminds us of those goals and accomplishments which truly litter our reality.

Most of all I hope my posts amuse and entertain you dear reader as much as they do me because in the end, no matter what our purpose in doing something is it is really about our own sense of fulfillment and joy, even when that includes self-less acts of kindness. Living life with a bit of humor reminds us that things, especially the material, aren’t who or what we are even when they are part of our expression of who and what we are.

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