Monday, June 29, 2009

Find is Found

Yesterday I took the bus to Lowes, my temple of creative worship but because it was a beautiful day and the buses were running on Sunday schedule I ended up walking home which gave me the opportunity to stop in a store I have been dying to go into. It’s taken me some time to find my way into FIND Home Furnishings because I am usually pressed up against a bus window leering at the tempting furniture and home decorative pieces left invitingly at the entrance of the cavernous warehouse space while the bus makes its way pass it to downtown Brooklyn.
FIND Home Furnishings is located at 59 9th Street. The space is filled with an eclectic, sophisticated selection of lighting, rugs, vases, cabinets, sofas, chairs and odds and ends that definitely invite you to take them home with you. Some of the items are imported and some are refurbished but each is individual and promises to add a new amazing life to your space. They can customize on site, alterations are rightfully confined within the design of the piece, and offer decorative services to ensure you are buying something that works for you and your living space.
This is not a discount place, but considering the individuality and the workmanship of the goods the pricing is appropriate. I saw many pieces that fall within comparable price ranges for such things. They are currently having a 20% off sale. Just ask for Anca and tell her Simone sent you ;). Just teasing! but do ask for Anca. She was more than generous with her time and allowed me to take as many photos as my dying camera battery let me. Align Center
Below is about 1/4 of the images I wanted to share.
So worth getting off the bus stops before your destination!

(I am dreaming about the above piece!)

1 comment:

Stephanie Kim said...

woah! this is an overload of awesome!

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