Sunday, April 19, 2009

Luxury of Languid Time..

After a long bout with winter the weather has turned wonderful in New York. On Friday my boss called 3/4 of a day and I skipped out of the office at 2:30pm. Extra me hours is a luxury I am always grateful for and never take for granted. I contacted a friend and we met for coffee and then I was able to shift my after work errands up to fill in the time. A funny thing happened, instead of seeing them as chores they became an afternoon adventure and I ended up getting home later than I had anticipated had I rush to do them after 5pm as originally planned.

Having the extra time reminded me of childhood summer Sunday's, which seemed endless without the pending arrival of school on Monday morning. Even with ticking off things on my to do list this weekend there was a languid manner that followed me through the days. It is here still. Because of this slower pace and sense of time I was even able to enjoy a nap, a childhood activity I don't often indulge in these days. It is a luxury I always seem willing to forgo. Saturday's balmy and warm weather was perfect for snoozing.

With windows open I lay atop the bed covered by a thin sheet not thinking about what I might be doing or missing by not being outside, instead just breathing, centering and listening to all that was around me until I slept. When I was little our nap times were my mother's alone time. She would pratice her flute while we slept and the sound of her playing was our lullibye. I thought of that as I drifted off and the sounds of here and now were replaced by the echoes of memory. Of course I slept for more than an hour but the luxury of time means knowing that all things happen when and as they should.

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