Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mad Hatter

With the sunny weather upon us I can't help but want to add to my already extensive-I-don't-have-enough-heads-to wear-all-those-hats hat collection, especially after seeing the ribbon hats from Hat A Girl. The packable ribbon hats come in a variety of color and style options all of which have protective wide brims that provide up to a SPF 50 protection.

Prices range from $19-24 a hat
click on title to go to site


djinn said...

I looove hats! As you know, a hat often makes the difference between just being dressed, and wearing an outfit. My favorite hat (in a house dripping with hats) is a gentle plaid trilby most likely from the 40's or 50's. I think it goes with everything.

Love the ribbon hats. Very Audrey Hepburn.

Simone Rene said...

I love them too and am in total agreement with you that "a hat often makes the difference between being dressed and wearing an outfit" I am glad the trend to wear them has returned.

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