Sunday, August 16, 2009


If you haven't noticed by now - I have a thing for muffins and I prefer to make them because I can decide how large or small and chocked full of goodness they are. A few days ago I bought the biggest juicest blueberries and decided to make some muffins to enjoy for the rest of the week (see above).

Following is the very easy recipe - ENJOY!

1-1/2 c flour (50/50 Wheat/White)
3/4 c Sugar
1/2 t salt
2 t baking powder
1/3c vegetable oil
1 large egg
1/2 c milk
1 cup fresh blueberries

Topping -
1/2 c sugar
1/3 c white flour
1/4 c soften butter
1-1/2 t cinnamon

Preheat over 400F degrees
Prepare muffin tins - line/cooking spray/grease with butter-dust with flour

Combine flour, sugar, salt & baking powder in main bowlIn smaller bowl crack and mix egg, add oil + milkMix liquid into dry mix in main bowl.
Fold in fresh blueberriesFill muffin tin 2/3's wayPlace 1-1/2 t *topping atop each, use back of spoon to spread even.Bake for 20-25 minutes -to test use poke toothpick into center.
It should be dry when pulled back

*to make topping mix sugar, flour and
cinnamon and add in butter, mixing with flour until it is paste like.

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