Friday, July 17, 2009

Babied Summer Skin

I grew up watching my teen cousins slather baby oil all over tan limbs and body parts that escaped the confines of cut off shorts, halter tops and sun dresses. Baby oil was a tanning staple and stories of sometimes mixing it with iodine to get just the right shade of summer were not uncommon. A day at the beach meant toting home a sand covered bottle that needed to be rinsed off before putting it back onto the bathroom shelf it lived on until the next trip to the shore.
Those days are gone and baby oil has been replaced with more expensive body lotions that also offer SPFs of 30 and above. Recently Johnson's Baby Oil has made a come back bid for a younger generation. They've introduced a baby oil gel in a variety of scents that include the original scent, aloe, lavendar and cocoa butter. Each oil promises to leave the skin more moisturized than your average lotion by trapping 10 times more of the conditioning product which now includes some those extras we look for in skin products, like vitamin E and Aloe. I have to say for someone who missed using baby oil in the good old days being able to put on a "shine" and a memory without the slippery spills and sand covered bottle is worth finding this product on my local drugstore shelf starting at $4.00.

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