Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mini Made Luxury for the Senses

Sometimes the simplest things are a luxury. A cup of coffee in a great mug, taking a break to listen to one song in the middle of the day, closing your eyes for five minutes of alone time, enjoying a single chocolate kiss found tucked away in your purse, watching a child's face as they learn, wearing that fabulous silk antique robe on a Sunday morning while enjoying the quickest of breakfasts are all simple things that remind us that time, moments we have, are the true luxuries of life. Being in the moment and or stopping and acknowledging them are the key to being rich.

A Sunday morning luxury for me is as easy as warming small tortillas on a lightly buttered skillet and topping with chopped boiled eggs, diced, salted tomato, avocado, red onion and cilantro. Along with a rich cup of Cafe Au Lait (see my pic) it's easy, quick and a luxury for eyes, nose, hands and mouth.

Tortillas are a late addition to my eating habit. I know they are all over the place, but when you have had them handmade by a friend whose great-grandmother taught her how to make them you can't just pick up a bag of Mission fajita wraps and be happy. For years I avoided them like the plague. But recently I have actually made an effort to try a number of brands in my search to simplify meals and found that Buena Vista Tortilla, made in Brooklyn!, aren't that bad when heated. Though marketed tortillas can never compare to hot, fresh tortillas finding ones that come pretty darn close is another little luxury I don't take for granted.

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