Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fashion Comments

Recently I ran across a print ad in a few of the fashion magazines I prowl saying -

"Be A Knock-Out

"Not A Knock- Off'

It was a ad supported by the website -
The site and group are dedicated to exposing the criminal activities involving creating, trafficking and selling designer knock offs including the offshoots or support sub-industries involving child labor, drug trafficking and even terrorism said to support and be supported by such activity. I applaud organizations that seek to expose counterfeit anything, especially if the money being made is supporting industries that further undermine human rights and conditions but I have a hard time totally blaming that sub-culture for the "knock-off" game. We are all part of the issue.

I am a fashion junkie, though not a victim or a whore. I am drawn to clothing and costume and pretty things and pour over magazines, peer into shop windows and hunt for all manner of clothing and accessory. Most times I just want to examine the item and see it. I can only image the debt and excess I would be swimming in if I actually bought all the things I am drawn to.

While hunting I am more than often appalled by the prices in comparison to the quality we are offerred, especially from some "name brands". I underestand that there are chains of people in connection between the manufacture and sale of these items, but the greed of corporations and businesses that produce these goods has pushed beyond the limits of acceptability. We are suppose to believe that luxury items are necessities. Magazines report and to a great degree create trends and doing so highlight the "artists" making them. The media then splashes these hot designers and their items without so much as a shock response to the fact that they are telling me to buy a pair of jeans that can feed a family of 4 for a month or more. Because of this type of hype we become bombarded with messages, conscious and subconscious, to buy, have, own way beyond our true means and the circumstances of our true lives. For most of us attempting to live this ideal life puts us in a cycle of financial pain of debt and loss and because of the "brainwahsing we often forget that it is our choice to buy and support such things

I am not one to pay a large price tag for an item because first of all I love beautiful things and know that beauty and quality come in all price ranges. Labels and names don't move me. Quality and design do. I prefer value for my dollar. I am not one to buy an intentional fake. I know that having and wearing trendy things will not improve my social status and I don't have the disposable income to spend money to keep up with the Jones. Maybe that knowledge comes with age. Most marketing is geared to a generation still trying to define themselves or a generation that is suppose to be financial secure enough to enjoy it before they go. Maybe I am betwixed and between right now.

There was a time when people were loyal to brands because of these two things not because of the celebraties wearing or using items made by that particular company. Considering the number of times I see many of the so called luxury items floating around the fashion world on sale for 100s of percent lower than the original price tag the true value of the item is clearly made evident by that mark down. Unfortunately in this day of option and excess we can be distracted from our true needs and end up purchasing quantity rather than anything we truly need or use and quality sometimes goes out the door.

I would applaud the industry more if they began to take true responsibility for the things they put out there in hopes of increasing their own profit. I would applaud the industry more if they could separate themselves from the idea that they can mass produce art to sell on a level most of us can afford and instead limit production and costs. I would applaud the industry if they stopped having "cause" parties and instead not just slap money like bandaids on issues of concern but actually send items and support, people, in answer to the needs. If the cause is one surrounding disease and research again translate the dollars to donate into the man hours and materials needed for the research instead of getting a company to donate a goody bag in hopes of some wealthy person passing a fat check that of course ends up as a tax write off anyway.

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