Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday's Mental Musings

I have spent the good part of the past 4 years trying to simplify my life. It had become so complex with possibility that I couldn't see where I was truly standing. It was a life heading in the wrong direction because I allowed it to become what it was to avoid what I wanted it to be. After much wrestling with my own fears I quit a long time job, lived on savings, traveled for a year and then took the job I am currently working at just to pay the rent. During this time I began cleaning house, both literally and figuratively. I let go of things and relationships that no longer served my intention, trusting that both the items and people would find others who would cherish them the way they deserved to be cherished. I am still culling. It is helping me learn who and what I want in my life and what I am willing to give and accept to have all I desire.

In between the work I rest. While at rest I see the bits and pieces of that life manifesting it self and I can see myself clearer than I have ever been able to before. In that clarity there is room for both acceptance and the desire to grow and change. I don't know if I will ever be where I want to be, but I do know that I am on a journey to where I need to be right now and that's OK.

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