Friday, April 10, 2009

Luxurious Wardrobing

For the last two years I have been semi-obsessed with creating a wardrobe that will allow me the luxury of reaching into my closet and pulling out a number of items that can be swapped in and out to produce classic tailored looks without effort or need for constant update save for the occasional accessory or inexpensive trendy item that seems age appropriate. The ability to be able to do this is a true luxury for me.

Though I love fashion I have come to understand that I gravitate towards variations of the same items, updated by slight change in silhouette, fabric and color. Understanding this helps me to avoid falling into the trend pit and allows me to focus on clothing that suits me.

1) To begin culling and transforming my wardrobe I pulled out and tried on everything I owned, making 3 piles as I went along - items to keep, items to have tailored and items to donate. I quickly packed the donation bag so that I wouldn't fall prey to the "just in cases" and put them back to languish unworn and unloved.

2) Then I made a list of all the items I was keeping before hanging, folding and organizing them by item and color in the closet and dresser drawers. I finally added the items that needed to be tailored to that main list.

The list allows me to see what items I have and what items I want to add or need to replace. It allows me to see the colors I gravitate towards and made me realize that though the colors change with season they pretty much remain constant in hue. The list allows me to see the fabrics I am drawn to, the details and finishes I prefer. When I change out seasonal clothing I update it, adding or substracting what I own and wear.

I know there is the fear of falling into a rut, but I find a sense of freedom in knowing what I like and feel comfortable wearing. Having the foundation of a wardrobe that is based on styles that suit my frame and personality allows me to experiment with accessories and color and patterns.

For me it is the ultimate luxury!

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