Sunday, March 22, 2009

One Foot In Front Of The Other

Recently I have overwhelmed these pages with things to try and buy and places to go and see but I  have neglected to share free simple luxuries that don't require spending money, so today's post is about a luxury that won't got you a dime. Today's post is about the luxury of simply putting one foot in front of the other and giving yourself 15-20 minutes a day to walk, simply walk. 

I am a big walker. I try to walk 10,000 steps a day, about 5 miles a day, for at least 5 days of the week. I don't see it as exercise, even though I count it as such. Rather I see my strolls as a form of meditation. I didn't just start walking 5 miles a day either, but gradually worked my way up to it because taking the time to do so was more of a luxury than going to the gym and running for 20 minutes on a treadmill. I don't do all 5 miles at once. Instead I break the steps down into 3 sessions, one in the morning before I get on the train to come into the city, one at lunch which gives me a break from the computer screen and one after work which allows me to wind down. Sorting it this way allows me to set the pace and tone of each walk and rather than resenting the goal I find my self enjoying each session. 

So today take your self for a luxurious walk. Give yourself the time to hear your own thoughts, practice another language, see things in  your neighborhood or a neighborhood of interest you have never seen before, say hello to people you see everyday, pray, dream, visual, breathe.
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