Sunday, February 22, 2009

VO5 Memories

I have a vivid childhood memory of my mother and a couple of her sisters, she had 6, getting together to do their hair and nails. I can recall my Aunt Patty, she was the beautician cutting, washing and deep conditioning my mother and Aunt Frances' hair before setting it on rollars the size of soda cans and placing each of them under the separate hooded salon style hair dryers she had installed in her basement. They would spend the drying time gossiping and doing their manicures while my cousin Chris and I pretended not to listen to the conversations that flew back and forth between them over the sound of the dryers. Aunt Patty would then send my mother home with weeks worth of VO5 hair cream and VO5 hot oil treatements, her favorites. The Saturdays that followed there was always a tube of VO5 Hot Oil treatment submerged into a warm glass of water so that my mother could continue her beauty routine and deep condition while she cleaned.

I hadn't thought of about VO5 in years and was suprised when I recently ran across mention of VO5's Hot Oil Treatment in a number of magazine articles discussing the favorits of some well known hair stylists. There was never anything wrong with VO5, but as time moved on and the market became glutted with more options this brand, which did expand its line of quality items but never overly expanded its prices, seemed to get lost behind the shinier hair items most of us were reaching for. I guess the economy is making people reach back in nostalgia. So this week I purchased VO5 Hot Oil Treatments, 2 tubes for $4, from my local drug store, heated up a tube in glass of warm water, slapped on a plastic cap after applying, turning on James Brown I cleaned the kitchen while it made my hair silky soft
Worth the revisit.

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