Saturday, October 25, 2008

Shopping Spots Worth the Tip - Feeding the Sense

Sometimes we pass people and places on a daily basis and neglect to look up or out from the thoughts that occupy our day to see what is in front of us. I have passed 104 Avenue B for years and a few Fridays ago never realized that in this very spot is an incredible store that supplies their customers, many of whom are world famous chefs, with the most amazing spices, herbs and food stuffs from around the world.

S.O.S. Chefs ( is an amazingly vast, yet humble store that welcomes you to sniff and smell and buy large or small quantities of all manner of spices, oils, vinegars, condiments, grains, nuts, dried fruits, chocolate, truffles and mushrooms.
I was so overwhelmed by possibility the smells and sights inspired that all I purchased was a $4.50 bottle of Rose Water for cooking, but I plan on going back with recipe list in hand and intent to purchase these amazing side dish size tagines that come in an array of bright colors. Though they have a website that offers many of the products in the Avenue B store, I strongly encourage you to find your way to it because they also have a nice array of cooking and serving utensils and items that aren't posted on the website.

1 comment:

DMS said...

Can't wait to check it out!!!


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